Raven’s redesign Yahoo! Homepage
So, I seriously think the Raven's winning the 2013 Superbowl had a lot to do with Yahoo's Homepage redesign. What do you think?
Raven’s redesign Yahoo!
Kidding aside, i like the bigger fonts and the infinity scrolls and the simplicity of its design. It also reminds me alot of Google’s very simple and straight-to-the-point design. Of course Marissa Meyer’s influences came from Google so its not surprising that she is probably going to make this as User Friendly as possible.
I really hope they put in a proper HOME button finally – thats what infuriates me the most about yahoo. I keep having to type in their homepage because their real, real homepage is unreachable once you click-through those list stories they have and thats really the ONLY reason I am writing this blog entry…
Dear Yahoo – please, pretty please put in Home buttons at the end of your list articles. I love reading them but its uncool to have to retype your URL when I just want to reach your homepage in one click. Thanks! Love, Fevi