Training Seminars
We provide SEO Training via our Inhouse SEO Expert. We can tailor topics based on your requirement for your Team. We also provide CMS training for your Website Admin Personnel. Whatever online training requirements you have, we can accommodate it based on availability

Basic Package
Ideal for Small Business with one location

Visible Package
For Small Businesses targeting Multiple Locations

Optimize Package
For Small Business in very competitive Online Industries
WOWebsites provides group training seminars for Clients. The group seminars aim to empower clients so that they understand how important their websites are in attracting users. Please note the slideshows have been exported to PDFs and are static images. Please Contact Us if you have any issues and would like to get it via email.
June 4, 2013 Department of Commerce and Industry Workshop on Internet Marketing
May 2, 2013 CNCF Photo Talks entitled, “Website Photography“
April 11, 2013 Cayman Islands Dept. of Commerce and Investment entitled, “Social Media Plus“
May 25, 2012 CNCF Photo Talks entitled, “Optimizing your Images for Search“
July 24, 2012 CISBA Training Seminar entitled, “Social Media Power“
March 17, 2012 CIMPA Training Seminar entitled, “Easy Online Strategies to help increase your Business”
March, 10 (2012) Client Training Sessions entitled “Embracing Google+ and other Online Conversion Tactics”
November 21 (2011) CIMPA Training Session entitled, “Online Marketing: Critical Success Factors Part 1 and Part 2” (Pls note, the slideshow has been split into 2 parts to facilitate faster downloads)
July 2 (2011) Training Session entitled, “How Social Media can help your Search Engine Rank”
March 5 (2011) Training Session entitled, “How to Maintain your CMS Website to help increase your Search Engine Rank” (Please note this file is a .mov file and should open on your browser, to move the slides, click on the screen)
June (2009) CITA Training Session entitled, “Basic Search Engine Optimization on a Shoe String Budget”