WOWebsites Blogs

Everytime we take on a PPC Campaign, we always, always optimize the landing pages.  The reason is simple, we want Google Ads to award us with high-quality scores. When your quality scores are high, ie. 8/10, 9/10 and 10/10 --...
For the longest time, this has been my rally cry:  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) work best in combination! Today, I'm going to post screenshots from an online campaign that offers proof!  I have to blur out our...
A C-Level Executive explained their website requirements, and towards the end of the conversation, he said, "...and we don't need any SEO on our site." I don't quite remember anything else after that. I won't lie, I was in a...
We get a lot of inquiries daily, about getting a website developed because they just started their business yesterday.   So, this blog is a general way to respond to everyone who wants a website without wasting time and resources, your...
My meeting today was with the owner of a business.  The first and last thing he said to me was, "We are only interested in increasing our domain authority."    This, after me trying to explain that domain authority wasn't...
As someone thats been in both the Web and SEO Industry for the past decade, I've worked with quite a lot of In-house Marketing Professionals who manage their Company's Social Media accounts.  I've noticed quite a few issues with the...