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WOWebsites Search Engine Optimization
We have a real estate client, which, as everyone knows is a content-heavy website because of all the images each listing has. Recently, their server started experiencing down-time, which is a critical issue. This incident posed an immediate threat to...
In the past, I've always harped about "know your keywords" and part of knowing your keywords is understanding how Users are using them. The first step in knowing your keywords is knowing the type of keywords. There are four basic...
For the longest time, this has been my rally cry: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) work best in combination! Today, I'm going to post screenshots from an online campaign that offers proof! I have to blur out our...
A C-Level Executive explained their website requirements, and towards the end of the conversation, he said, "...and we don't need any SEO on our site." I don't quite remember anything else after that. I won't lie, I was in a...
My meeting today was with the owner of a business. The first and last thing he said to me was, "We are only interested in increasing our domain authority." This, after me trying to explain that domain authority wasn't...
The purpose of migrating a subdomain to a subfolder is to increase the number of search results on the same domain as well as to increase the number of internal links. Remember, SEO is about 3 things: Content, Links and...