I was asked by a client to ensure that their new blog was indexed by Google quickly as it was a timely piece and so I thought I would share how to do submit blogs or articles to search engines....
I recently received an email from a business owner who had his website designed by another company. He said he loved his new website, he didn't want to change anything on it but he wanted it to be more visible...
So I don't think that Yahoo dir is part of the new Yahoo's Strategy.  The last time I bought I directory listing from Yahoo was 4 years ago.  I don't remember having any issues when I bought it the last...
I started writing this blog on May 22, when Matt Cutts, Head of Google Web Spam Team announced it on his blog.  But i needed a few days to really delve into Penguin 2.0 - the latest Google Algorithm.  There...
Had a meeting with a prospective Client earlier and he asked me this question, "How do I know you are any good at SEO?" This is a perfectly valid question but I was taken aback because no one had ever...
Did you know that the keyword that has the highest search for the Cayman Islands is "cayman islands" on Google?  Ok, ok so technically, "cayman" has more searches but the problem with that keyword is that its very difficult to...