Google Panda Update
Client Question: Fevi, my website disappeared and I don't know what I can do to bring it back. Can you help me please? Fevi Answer: Dear Client, I want to help, but please answer a few questions for me first. 1) Did you write your own website's content or did you copy it from someone else? 2) How many words are there on your homepage? 3) How many words are in your internal pages? 4) How many pages does your website have? 5) Do you have a sitemap? Because Google Panda recently had a reboot this past January 2013, it is actually the most relevant algorithm update, which means that your website's content is even more important than it was before because Google Penguin is also in play. Just because Google launches one new algorithm after another, it doesn't mean it erases the older one (though sometimes I wish it did). What Google does is enable all of these algorithms to be in play at all times. This means that the more algorithms are in play, the harder it gets to game Google. Game Google? What? Yeah, you read that right. Do not and don't ever let your website developer even try to game Google. It will probably be the biggest mistake you will ever do to your online presence. If your business is real and you have an incredible value to offer then my advice is write your content online like you would write your sales pitch off line. Be true to your Users. Be true to Google and believe me when I tell you that's the only game to play online.